Thursday 16 February 2012

Nigerian man raped woman as she slept@ home in Livingston

A Nigerian man has been convicted of raping a woman while she slept.  Kazeem Kadiri sneaked into the woman's bed in the middle of the night after being rejected by another woman with whom he and his friend had been having a threesome. During a trial at High Court in Livingston the 29-year-old victim gave evidence from behind a screen in closed court. Judge Lady Stacey deferred sentence for social work reports. The court heard the rape took place at a house in Livingston, West Lothian, in November 2010, after the woman, an Edinburgh office worker, had been on night out for a birthday celebration. She admitted she had had well over 20 drinks and had gone to bed very drunk. During the night she was woke to find a man lying on top of her. She told him to get off her and pushed him away. She contacted the police the next morning after realising she had been raped.During the trial, the jury heard forensic evidence that Kadiri's DNA matched samples taken from the woman's body.

     Another woman, the householder, said she had invited Kadiri and his friend Bola Sodimu, 37, back from a nightclub at 03:00.
She said she had sex with both men but then had a "lightbulb moment" and told Kadiri she wanted to take his friend, who is also Nigerian, upstairs. She told how she had to get up and close the door after she saw Kadiri on the stairs watching them. "One or two minutes later" they heard the sound of two people having sex in the spare bedroom. They went to the room and saw Kadiri sitting on the edge of the woman's bed in his boxer shorts. Kadiri, 38, denied rape and claimed his victim had consented to sex. But the jury returned a majority verdict of guilty. Kadiri's name has been placed on the sex offenders' register.

Culled from BBC

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