Women aren't the only ones who can pretend to have orgasms, according to a new study, which found that even men feign pleasure in bed. In a study of more than 200 college students, 25 percent of men and half of the women reported that they'd acted out an orgasm during sexual activity.
The reason to fake it was to end the sex without the awkwardness of hurting their partner's feelings, reports Live Science.
The new study, conducted by psychologists at the University of Kansas, asked 180 college-age men and 101 college-age women questions about their sexual histories.
Each participant was asked whether they had ever pretended to have an orgasm. To catch those who might be ashamed to admit their deceit, the participants were also asked whether they'd "done something similar" to pretending to orgasm.
Almost 100 percent of those surveyed had experienced some sort of partnered sexual stimulation, whether manual or oral. Just under 70 percent of the women and 85 percent of the men reported penile-vaginal intercourse. Intercourse turned out to be a major predictor of whether someone had faked it. About 10 percent of men and 19 percent of women who'd had sexual encounters but not intercourse had faked orgasms, compared with 28 percent of men and 67 percent of women who'd had penile-vaginal intercourse.
Pretenders tended to be more sexually experienced, and were more likely to have had an orgasm at some point, either through masturbation or intercourse.
Penile-vaginal intercourse was also the most likely type of sex to trigger orgasmic acting. Of those who specified the type of sex during which they faked an orgasm, 86 percent of men and 82 percent of women reported intercourse.
The reason may be that people expect orgasm during intercourse, the authors wrote. Several men in the study reported faking an orgasm because they had no other way to end a sexual encounter without awkwardness.
Ways to maintain a healthy Relationship
6. Trying new things. There really isn’t a nice way to say that after being in a long term relationship for so long things tend to get pretty boring. So its’ a constant struggle to try new things whether it be new ideas for dates or spicy ideas for sex everything counts and it all works in your favor in creating a fun relationship.
5. Setting your pride aside. Sometimes you will have to put your pride to the side, go against what you really want for once in the relationship and agree to disagree (this also goes with compromise). If your partner is really observing, he’ll remember this and love you more for it.
4. Compromise. Relationships are a two way street. It’s all about giving and receiving. You give a little of something once, they receive it and vice versa. You can’t just expect gifts if you never give them yourself, as with respect, you can’t receive respect if you don’t give it.
3. Make it mutual. A relationship cannot be a relationship with just one person. It has to be a mutual agreement
2. Communication. There is no doubt in my mind that this is something you have heard many times before, but as they say "communication is key." Be mindful that often times in relationships we can get so comfortable with our partner, that we forget that although you may know your partner well, we are not mind readers. Therefore, it should come as no surprise that whatever you are feeling at the moment, you have to speak on it. You have to speak up whether you’re hurt, happy or angry.
1. Faith. Nothing, and I do mean nothing will work if you don’t have faith first.
Also, I took to my Facebook and Twitter pages and asked a few folks what were some of their key ways to maintaining a healthy relationship and they came up with some awesome ideas as well, some even better than mine. Check out what they thought should make the list:
Sex. This logic depends on the person, some beings are more sexual then others so for those this will definitely be a key factor in a flourishing relationship.
Space. This is one of the most important factors in maintaining a healthy relationship and quite frankly I’m a little jealous I didn’t think of it. Couples tend to forget more often than not that we are still human beings, and everybody needs their space sometimes, and I for one can most definitely.
Honesty/Trust. These are two things that needs to be held in high regard in ANY relationship.
Understanding. Understanding is important because your partner needs to be the one person you can count on to understand exactly what you are going through when no one else knows or even cares.
Respect. Respect needs to be number one on everyone’s list of ways to maintain a healthy relationship because if you don;t have respect you have absolutely nothing. Once the respect in a relationship is lost, your partner has the freedom to disrespect you in any and every kind of way.
Communication. As I previously stated, communication is key so if you can’t communicate, you have no relationship. This was one of the most common factors in maintaining a healthy relationship.
Women do really like Bad boys--New Study
A new study was announced that points to women and bad boys and men and smiles. Yes, women really do like bad boys. According to a new University of B.C. study, women are much less sexually attracted to men who are smiling. The study, led by UBC psychology Prof. Jessica Tracy, involved more than 1,000 heterosexual adults from across North America.
Myth Debunked: Not All Black Men Are A Lost Cause
In their months-long survey, the team of researchers showed men and women a series of photos of the opposite sex. The images showed different emotions -happiness, pride and shame -and asked participants to rank their sexual attractiveness to the people in the images.
Census Says Black Women Divorce More Than Any Other Race
According to Tracy, the results showed dramatic differences between men and women in terms of attraction: men found happy women the most attractive, while women found happy, smiling men the least attractive. Tracy said the studies looked specifically at sexual attractiveness and did not address whether women would want to date or get involved in a relationship with brooding, shameful-looking men.
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