Sunday, 22 January 2012

SINGAPORE - Strong force held woman to toilet for 902 days

In a bizarre turn of events, a woman spent 902 days -- continuously -- on a toilet bowl.The 58-year-old woman could not be prised off the toilet despite all cajoling by her husband, reports Asia One.
The woman told the website she 'felt a strong force holding her down every time she tried to get up'.
In the two-and-a-half-years that she spent confined to the white-tiled bathroom, she took shower only 18 times. Those were the only times she spent away from the toilet bowl. She also did not see anyone during this time, apart from her husband.
The woman spent the intervening period in a naked state. She said, "I didn't understand what was happening, I only felt all the sensations which prevented me from standing or leaving the bathroom."
After 2.5 years, her husband had had enough and he called in the police and forced his wife into a mental institute for a treatment

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