Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Is Hairdresser Alex Roldan, Khloe kardashian's real father?

                                          Khloe and her alleged biological father Alex Roldan
This drama which started a few weeks ago with Rob Kardashians’s ex wife saying he confided in her before his death that Khloe wasn’t really his; has taken on ridiculous angles and shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.
The latest in the “Who’s the daddy?” drama comes via who have are reporting that Mama Kardashian aka Kris Jenner who started this whole mess by revealing in her book that she had an affair right about the time Khloe was conceived; is actually planning on introducing Khloe’s real biological father as a plot point on a “very special episode” of one of the Kardashian shows
Further more according to the site, Kris has told Khloe who the man is already, so this is not coming a surprise for anyone in their family. Plus it’s all leaking out this week, despite Kris’ desire to keep it a secret until showtime to make the ratings as high as possible

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