Wednesday 5 October 2011

CPS office worker sells cannabis to colleagues while working on drug smuggling cases

A corrupt Crown Prosecution Service worker sold drugs to colleagues right under the noses of Britain's top prosecutors, a court heard yesterday.
Michael Prince Jackson-Bailey, 31, allegedly peddled drugs at CPS headquarters, where he worked in a UK Border Agency team that deals with drugs cases.
The father-of-one is accused of  supplying cannabis to staff who worked on drugs smuggling prosecutions.
In a hugely embarrassing case for the CPS, Jackson-Bailey was allegedly found to have secretly stashed seven bundles of cannabis in a rucksack under his desk at Rose Court, Southwark, South London, where some of the most important criminal cases in British history have been handled.
Inner London Crown Court also heard how he received text messages from colleagues asking him to bring in drugs.

Jackson-Bailey denies dealing drugs, claiming he has been framed in an extraordinary conspiracy by CPS prosecutors and management who wanted to sack him because they were racist.
Jackson-Bailey, who had previously worked for Revenue and Customs prosecution teams for eight years, was caught on February 3.
He was stopped by a routine police patrol on his lunch hour, after he was seen behaving suspiciously with another man down an alley in Brixton, South London.

The court heard that officers found two wraps of cannabis in his pocket and also searched his home, where they found ten bundles of cannabis worth around £250, scales and three mobile phones on which they  recovered texts from his alleged clients.
The day after his arrest Jackson-Bailey is said to have confessed to his boss, senior prosecutor Tania November, that he had been dealing drugs to colleagues
He told her that he had cannabis in his rucksack at his desk, and complained that he should not be the only one to face charges.
Miss November told the court: 'He started by saying that he was upset about the decision because he was "taking the rap" for others.
'In other words, in his account, others were involved.
'He said that the cannabis he had had was in order to give to others in my office.
'He said that he did not wish to give names. I asked him whether there was going to be some pretty  nervous people in the office today and he said "yes".'
Prosecuting, Benn Maguire told jurors: ‘The issue for you is whether Mr Jackson-Bailey intended to supply any of the drugs found in a rucksack at the CPS offices where Mr Jackson-Bailey was employed with the UK Border Agency team working on drugs importation.’
But Jonathan White, defending, claimed that CPS prosecutors had fabricated the confession.
Jackson-Bailey admits possessing class B drugs, but denies two counts of possession of a class B drug with intent to supply.The case continues.


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