Wednesday, 20 July 2011

Man hands out samples of Semen- Tainted Yoghurt

A New Mexico man was indicted Wednesday after allegedly handing out yogurt samples that were naturally flavored in a rather peculiar way: by his semen.

Anthony Garcia, 32, mixed his own bodily fluids with yogurt and handed it out to unsuspecting customers at a Sunflower Market in Albuquerque in January.Police came to the store after a woman reported that she was given a yogurt sample she believed contained the kind of live and active cultures that shouldn’t be in a yogurt.
The woman’s exquisitely good taste buds were right. Police found semen in the yogurt and a DNA test pointed out that the protein-enhanced yogurt was linked to him.
Garcia falsely claimed that he didn’t know the spoon he gave to the customers contained semen. The police almost fell for it; sometimes these things just get mixed up, right?
Whether he wanted to provide the consumer with extra vitamin C, just needed a place to leave his swimmers, or received some weird sexual gratification with this act, our sampling days are over.
No thanks sir, no need to try the miracle whip today.
If he is convicted, he could face up to three years in prison for tainting the yogurt or a total of five years for making false statements. that's NASTY!

1 comment:

very concerned said...

OMG! Whats with these pple??! The things they do! SMH.