Thursday 16 June 2011

Mother gives birth to 13lb 10oz baby boy

Bouncing baby: Fiona Anderson and her giant baby Hugh, who weighed in at 13lb 10oz
 Bouncing baby: Fiona Anderson and her giant baby Hugh, who weighed in at 13lb 10oz

One of Britain's biggest ever bouncing babies has weighed in at a fraction under a stone.
Hugh Donald Evans tipped the scales at a whopping 13lb 10oz when he arrived by Caesarean section.
The average newborn is about half Hugh's weight - and doctors at Raigmore Hospital, Inverness, said they had never delivered a heavier baby

Miss Anderson, who has two other children, Rhys, six, and Cerys, two, had gestational diabetes during pregnancy. It is thought to have boosted Hugh's size because he received too much glucose in the womb.

Scans during pregnancy indicated he would be a big baby, but his mother Fiona Anderson, who works as a theatre nurse at the hospital, was expecting him to weigh about 10lb.

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