Thursday 4 August 2011

Teen survives being buried on beach for 30minutes after tunnel he built in sand caved in

A teenage boy survived being buried alive on a California beach for half an hour after a tunnel he built in the sand caved in.In a desperate scramble, dozens of holidaymakers pitched in to try to dig out 17-year-old Matt Mina, who was stuck seven foot deep, but sand kept pouring back into the huge hole.
Eventually firefighters managed to drag him out and although he was unconscious at first he has since made a remarkable recovery.Miraculous; Matt Mina is lucky to be alive after the half hour ordeal
He remained buried for almost 30 minutes while paramedics dug him out.

Dramatic video footage charts the desperate attempts by other people on the beach to save Mina.
Dozens of sunbathers gathered with shovels and other items they could use to dig as they frantically tried to remove the sand on top of the teen.When authorities eventually succeeded in rescuing him, the crowd erupted in cheers while the boy was rushed to Hoag Hospital in Orange County
Against the odds: People came together to help on the beach
Authorities said Mina had been digging tunnels with friends several feet under the surface of the beach.
They tried to make the tunnels meet before the sand toppled on top of one of them.
The alarm was raised when a family member called a lifeguard for help.
Mina spoke today of his terrifying ordeal under ground, explaining how he screamed for help although he knew no one could hear him.The 17-year-old said he managed to stay alive by moving his head from side to side to create an air bubble. his hands were trapped behind him by the weight of the sand.Authorities manage to grab the boy, as they pull him to safety.Got him! The teen collapses on the floor - but he is now doing well in hospitalHe told msnbc: 'I was just really scared. I didn't know if anyone could hear me when I screamed for help... Once you're six feet under you can't hear anything.
'I through my head around to try make some room because my arms were behind me.
'I was falling in and out [of consciousness]. I thought I was going to die.
'I want to thank everyone... that helped me stay alive. I wanted to give a shout out to them and say thank you.'When asked if his digging days are now over, Mina added: 'For now, definitely.'
Newport Beach resident Skip Snead told the Orange County Register about 40 people were digging frantically to save the boy.
Applause: A crowd who had watched the rescue cheer when the boy is finally found
'Everybody was thinking, "They're going to pull up a dead body,"' he said.
He described the moment Mina was dragged out alive. 'Everyone went crazy,' he said. 'I think he was in shock.'Fire officials have since warned parents not to let their children dig deep into the sand at the beach because the sand is unstable.

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