Thursday 4 August 2011

Cleaner beat 82-year-old companion to death and buried him in the garden to get his fortune

A cleaner battered a vulnerable pensioner to death after befriending him to get her hands on his £250,000 fortune, a court heard yesterday.
Ann Browning, 54, bewitched Bill Williamson, persuading the lonely 82-year-old to part with thousands of pounds, buy her a car and shower her with gifts, it was claimed.
The day after murdering him, she went to the theatre to see a ‘thriller murder’ play and then played bingo with friends – all the time appearing to be her normal self.
The twice-married mother of two allegedly tricked the ‘besotted’ widower into selling his £246,000 home in the upmarket village of Milford, Surrey, and putting the money in a joint account after promising him she would sell her home so they could start a new life together in the Isle of Wight.

But just hours after the frail  5ft 1in pensioner moved into her £350,000 home in Godalming, she clubbed him around the head seven times with a rounders bat.She then stripped him naked, wrapped him in a shower curtain and dumped his body face down in a pit she had dug in her back garden.
Within days, the petite killer had plundered the retired postman’s accounts, transferring £140,000 from his house sale to her own account and going on shopping sprees with his bank cards.
To cover her tracks, she claimed he was moving to a care home on the South Coast and even sent birthday cards to his friendsShe was only caught weeks later when a GP became concerned and alerted the authorities after  Browning cancelled Mr Williamson’s flu jab.The murderer spun a web of  ‘elaborate lies’, telling police that Mr Williamson was at a funeral in  Ireland and that his car had  been scrapped.
But officers later discovered his car was still parked around the  corner and had been transferred into her name just days earlier.After her arrest, Browning  confessed on October 7 last year, telling officers that she killed him after they rowed because he didn’t want to live with her any more.
She claimed she only hid his body so that she could go to the wedding of her youngest son Liam, 28. She told officers: ‘Yes, I confess to his murder, I killed him.’
Browning said she flew into a rage as he had promised she would not have to work as a cleaner any more. She added: ‘I just lost my temper. I really lost it because he had made all these promises.
‘I can’t remember how many times I hit him but I know I killed him and then from that point there’s no going back, is there
Police discovered she had chillingly written ‘RIP’ in her diary  on September 10, although she claims the murder took place the next day.
Yesterday the killer calmly explained how she stuffed his body in a 3ft deep hole, tying his legs together with a belt.
The bespectacled cleaner told Guildford Crown Court: ‘When I put him into the hole in the ground, I could not get his legs in flat. I could not get him into the hole so I put his belt around his knees and calves so that he would fit.’
She continued: ‘I stood on him to push his body down.’
She added: ‘You can’t hide the body for ever. I just wanted to hide it, so that I did not have to look at him and also I needed to hide it until my son got married.’
Browning only broke down in tears as she spoke of her son.
‘I loved him so much, I didn’t want to spoil his happiness. He was marrying the girl of his dreams. I was going to give myself up the next day,’ she said.
A post-mortem examination revealed her victim had suffered seven blows to the head. His grave had been carefully dug with steps on both sides, suggesting Browning had help. But she claims she acted alone.
The defendant has admitted murder, but has insisted that she did not do it for money.

Judge Christopher Critchlow has to decide on her motive and  culpability before sentencing her.
Richard Bendall, prosecuting, said: ‘The Crown’s case is that this was a murder for financial gain of an elderly and vulnerable victim.‘There is clear evidence of regular attempts to conceal Mr Williamson’s death by both lies and forged documents.’ He added: ‘The way his body was stripped and then dumped face down, trussed up with a belt, was I would say at the least callous and seems to demonstrate a total lack of feelings of humanity from her  to him.’ The court heard that Mr Williamson was ‘lonely and vulnerable’ after his wife, Mary, died in 2004 aged 91. He had no family or children. In 2007 Mr Williamson changed his will leaving the bulk of his estate to Browning. But he excluded Browning from it in 2008 when he accused her of stealing £1,200 from one of his bank accounts, which she denied.Friends warned Mr Williamson that she was only after his money.But the pensioner forgave her, saying: ‘I’ll take my chances’.While Mr Williamson regarded himself as her ‘boyfriend’, Browning said she only loved him ‘like  a father’.She said she had been ‘irritated’ and ‘smothered’ by the older man’s affections.Browning told the court: ‘He was very good to me during our time together. We had a very nice time and I really wanted to spend the rest of my life looking after him. ‘I loved him, I really did. It was a terrible thing I did and I regret it.’
The hearing continues.

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